365 ONE: day 19 and body is tired!

Day 19: January 27th, 2012 = COMPLETE!!!!

Cardio was = Light Jogging

Dance of the Day was = “Relax Take It Easy” by Mika

Improvised Acting Video I uploaded to my other blog was = “Subway Rat”

Anything to Note =

I did some fitness items while waiting for the renovation company and contractors to come to a client’s apartment to take measurements this morning. I was hoping to get a bunch in but they arrived and cut it short – but it is nice to do these criteria in different places and in different ways. Although I am glad they rang the doorbell as they would have caught me in some odd shapes on the floor if they had just walked in!

I had a bad headache today, all day. It was just a dull pain and so it made me not want to do anything intense or that had any pressure – I was dreading the planks and push-ups as the pressure goes to my head. I took them slowly and broke them up through the whole day in order to avoid it at once, which was nice.

I did my video upload on the subway platform  – tried to talk close to my ipod to be heard but also so that others around me didn’t think I was completely insane….although…I am! And NYC is full of crazies – which is why it’s a perfect place to run lines to memorize out loud to yourself as no one thinks anything of it!

Dancing in the disabled toilet again today! AHH! I knew this would probably happen often if I was to get some criteria done while at work. My body is so sore today from having days of residency training…I need a break. My back really hurts actually – I tend to always do something that feels like I’ve trapped something and it won’t release….so I have that now on the left side of my back and I need some recovery time but have rehearsal again tomorrow for a big chunk. Neverending 😦

I hadn’t done any cardio due to my back so decided to jog from the subway to my boss’s apartment, which isn’t far, but I figured it would count to get my heart pumping a bit. Annoyingly though I had to carry a bag in each hand. And had no sports bra on! DISASTER!! Boobs galore! And, then the wind decided to grow out of nowhere – was ridiculous how slow and how much harder it made the run. I must have looked hilarious running, boobs flailing, bags in hand, and super super slow against the wind!

Anything to say?