What NOT to do 365: toothpick with a coffee stirrer…

365 ONE: day 89…Nobody Awake Either!

Day 89: April 6th, 2012 = COMPLETE!!!!!

Cardio was = Walking

Dance of the Day was = “Vino Vino (Ian Oliver’s Clubvino Mix)” by Ian Oliver Feat. Eastenders

Improvised Acting Video I uploaded to my other blog was = “Rise and Shine”

Anything to Note =

Rough night again.

Nothing new.

Have my follow-up doctor’s appointment next week so will bring it up then, and also try some sort of pillow that has been recommended to me for sleeping while pregnant because something needs to change.

I was sooooooo not awake this morning, or now, or never. What’s funny is that I don’t remember the last time I was awake. I know that sounds weird but it’s true. Well, I do remember one time, and that may be the last time honestly, and that was back in College, so a super long time ago. But there was one moment on one night of many that I was doing an all-nighter and I remember looking over to the right at the door and suddenly the whole world was crystal clear! And I remember thinking to myself, “so this is what it is like to feel truly awake”.

I know it sounds funny! But seriously, that was the only time that has ever happened and then I snapped out of it a little bit after and I have never felt that awake ever again! I am always in a little bit of a daze. You know, those commercials they advertize on TV about people with allergies and the screen is all fuzzy until they advertize what the allergy relief pill can do like Claritin and they peel back the screen so its clear and in focus – that is exactly how I am and feel! I live with that film across that makes it all fuzzy and hazy around. For those who don’t know these commercials, here is one…


I have always been a bad sleeper and wake up every hour so never or rarely go into REM sleep so I’m sure that has to take a toll on someone and makes it all fuzzy. I have just learned to live with it and live off adrenalin as I seem to be able to function. I know there are points when my body dies to try to catch up but you can never catch up on all the lost sleep sadly.

Well, nowadays unfortunately it is even worse than waking up every hour and it seems to be happening every night so frequently and I am more tired than I normally am. I can cope with my same ol’ same ol’ routine of bad sleep but this is a little extra so it’s wearing on me for sure!

I thought maybe some 365 in the morning may wake me up but I kept getting calls that I needed to answer so it had to wait until after first thing. I should try that though although last thing I want to do when I am so tired is something so active like that first thing in the morning…..I hear a challenge beckoning!!

It was funny though as no one seemed to also be awake on the train to work this morning. Literally no one! Not one person was speaking or spoke the whole ride, even those who were travelling with people! Half of the people were asleep or had their eyes shut, the other were dozing – doing the nod thing! That helped me pass the time in the tunnel this morning – watching people do the nodding off thing and then bouncing back up! It’s hilarious! It’s also hilarious how people react after they bounce back up – they look around to see if anyone saw them! Haha! And what was even funnier was there were about five or six people doing it at once this morning!

It was good people watching this morning!

I was glad that everyone around me seemed to feel like I did! TIRED!!

365 ONE: day 85…Boom Boom Boom!!

Day 85: April 2nd, 2012 = COMPLETE!!!!!

Cardio was = Walking

Dance of the Day was = “Boom Boom Boom” by The Outhere Brothers

Improvised Acting Video I uploaded to my other blog was = “A Lobby Moment”

Anything to Note =

Had a hard time keeping my eyes open today! I had terrible and weird nightmares last night and every time I dozed it returned to the crazy but I can’t remember now what it was all about. I used to write them down in a book next to my bed but haven’t done that in ages! I wish I could remember these though as they were so odd and weird and I believe supernatural…probably inspired by me watching “Heroes” on Netflix these days!

Today I yearned for a cup of coffee to keep me awake!!!!!!!!! Damn the no-caffeine rule in pregnancy….poo poo!

With the ipod on shuffle it comes up with all kinds of songs and today’s brought back sooooo many memories! My friend Charlie and I danced to this song back in boarding school at the school talent contest and WON! Which was crazy as I kind of remember there being a bunch of very talented acts and there we were behaving like techno/rap BOYS…and won!! And you know what we won? We won tickets to go see a taping of “Stars in Their Eyes” up in Manchester. So we got a free hotel room, I believe also the train tickets up, and then live audience seats! To those that don’t know the show it is a British TV show that is a talent show that rates individuals on impersonating who they are singing! It’s actually quite funny….here is a little taste of it…


I wish someone had recorded our Boom Boom Boom dance! I would love to see how ridiculous we looked!! I can’t remember any of the moves that we spent ages practicing in the school gym…but I do remember flicking Charlie over my shoulders at some point! 🙂

 And the school audience voted for us!! They must have been whack-a-doo that day!!