365 ONE: day 46…New Yorkers like Crazy!

Day 46: February 23rd, 2012 = COMPLETE!!!!!

Cardio was = Walking

Dance of the Day was = “Miami” by Will Smith

Improvised Acting Video I uploaded to my other blog was = “700 Gummies”

Anything to Note =

New York City is the perfect place to be an actor….and I don’t mean that in the sense that it’s duh an artistic town, but in the sheer fact that you can go around talking to yourself, like memorizing your lines out loud or getting into character/role in public, and no one thinks anything of it! You don’t need an excuse to be mumbling to yourself on the subway or as you walk down the street, even when you’re standing in line at Starbucks…beacause everyone around you is used to the constant crazy! There is always something crazy around the corner, next to you, staring at you, so as an actor, you fit in quite nicely as IT IS YOU! 🙂

I walked from the office down to NYU today, yes to get my cardio in, but also because it was a chance to practice my role that I was about to interview in for the mock trials. Yesterday I had to play the expert on chlamydia, which I play every year for the mock trials, but today I had to play an additional new role in another mock trial – the ACS case worker. I felt less familiar and less confident with this role just because it was my first time, but thought nothing a good brisk walk, in role, wouldn’t be able to cure 🙂 I often do that for memorization – I am actually luckily a quick memorizer, but doing things like learning lines while at the gym on the elliptical always worked, and in the same vein, walking and speaking out loud helps too (a quick trick to those that need help memorizing…try it!).

It was a little tricky though today as I was leaving while the whole of NYC and their mother were leaving work during rush hour and had to thus weave myself through the hoards of people while still trying to maintain a brisk nature for the cardio sake, and also trying to look down at my notes in hand along the way, while mumbling! AND…hitting Herald Square and Union Square as well as the equally busy West Village area was not fun. It was me multi-tasking. Dizzily, I might add.

And, of course being a true New Yorker. A Crazy. You know, one of them 🙂